
// RobotSpeakerPublisher.cs
// copyright 2022- https://robot-creation-diary.com/

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

using Unity.Robotics.ROSTCPConnector;

using RobotSpeakerMsg = RosMessageTypes.CppPubsub.RobotSpeakerMsgMsg;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using Node = UnityEngine.XR.XRNode;

public class RobotSpeakerPublisher : MonoBehaviour
    ROSConnection ros;
    public string topicName = "robot_speaker_topic";
    public float publishMessageFrequency = 100.0f;

    private float timeElapsed;
    // オーディオソースコンポーネント
    private AudioSource mAudioSource;

    private int sample_rate;
    private int recode_time;
    // マイクのデバイス名
    public string microphoneName = null;
    public short[] audioData;

    float mDebugStartTime;
    public int debug_count;
    public int audio_position;
    private AudioClip mRecordedClip;
    void Start()
        mDebugStartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        this.debug_count = 0;
        this.sample_rate = 44100;
        this.recode_time = 10;
        mAudioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        if (mAudioSource == null)
            // AudioSourceが見つからない場合、新しく追加する
            mAudioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
        // マイクのデバイス名が指定されていない場合はデフォルトを使用
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(microphoneName))
            string[] microphoneDevices = Microphone.devices;

            if (microphoneDevices.Length > 0)
                // デフォルトのマイクを使用
                microphoneName = microphoneDevices[0];
                Debug.Log("Default Microphone: " + microphoneName);

                // すべてのマイクの一覧を表示
                Debug.Log("Available Microphones:");
                foreach (string device in microphoneDevices)
                Debug.LogError("No microphones available!");
        this.mRecordedClip = Microphone.Start(microphoneName, true, this.recode_time, this.sample_rate);
        this.mAudioSource.clip = this.mRecordedClip;
        this.audio_position = 0;
        while (!(Microphone.GetPosition(null) > 0)) { }

        ros = ROSConnection.GetOrCreateInstance();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        timeElapsed += Time.deltaTime;
        if (this.publishMessageFrequency < timeElapsed )
            Debug.Log("timeElapsed " + timeElapsed + " " + this.publishMessageFrequency);

            // Finally send the message to server_endpoint.py running in ROS
            RobotSpeakerMsg outData = new RobotSpeakerMsg(

            ros.Publish(topicName, outData);
            timeElapsed = 0;

    public void SetAudioData() {
        if (0 < Microphone.GetPosition(null) | 0 < this.audio_position)
            if (null != this.mAudioSource.clip)
                //Debug.Log("audio samples channels" + this.mAudioSource.clip.samples +" "+ this.mAudioSource.clip.channels);

                int pos = Microphone.GetPosition(null);
                int data_size_1 = 0;
                int data_size_2 = 0;
                if (pos < this.audio_position)
                    data_size_1 = this.recode_time * this.sample_rate - this.audio_position;
                    //this.audio_position = 0;
                    data_size_2 = pos;
                else {
                    data_size_1 = pos - this.audio_position;
                if (pos <= 0) {
                if (data_size_1 <= 0) {

                float[] floatData_1 = new float[data_size_1];
                float[] floatData_2 = new float[data_size_2];
                this.mRecordedClip.GetData(floatData_1, this.audio_position);
                if (pos < this.audio_position)
                    this.mRecordedClip.GetData(floatData_2, 0);

                this.audioData = new short[data_size_1+ data_size_2];

                for (int i = 0; i < data_size_1; i++)
                    if (i < this.audioData.Length)
                        if (i < floatData_1.Length)
                            this.audioData[i] = (short)(floatData_1[i] * short.MaxValue);
                if (pos < this.audio_position)
                    for (int i = 0; i < data_size_2; i++)
                        if (data_size_1 + i < this.audioData.Length)
                            if (i < floatData_2.Length)
                                this.audioData[data_size_1+ i] = (short)(floatData_2[i] * short.MaxValue);

                this.audio_position = pos;

                Debug.Log("is do");


